Posts from July 2012.

At a meeting on July 9, 2012 the Financial Accounting Standards Board voted that it would not move forward with its outstanding project for modifying disclosure requirements for loss contingencies.

In a June 25, 2012 revenue ruling, the IRS issued guidance as to whether dividends and dividend equivalents related to restricted stock and restricted stock units (RSUs) that qualify as performance-based compensation for purposes of Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) must separately qualify as performance-based. 

Tags: IRS

This blog post focuses only on how the Supreme Court’s decision affects businesses in their capacity as “employer” and administrator of their group health plans.  This post does not address the many significant issues that may be faced by hospitals, health care providers, drug and medical device manufacturers, health insurers or state governments.

The Supreme Court’s Decision

On June 28, the Supreme Court released its decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius.  The Court ruled on various issues, including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s “individual mandate” and “Medicaid expansion” provisions.


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