Posts from March 2021.

There have been several new developments in 2021 that broadly impact employers’ approaches to COVID-19.   In this episode:

FFCRA Leave - The FFCRA has again been extended on a voluntary basis so that employers can offer leave through September 30, 2021.  Employers who elect to continue offering leave need to be aware of some changes to FFCRA leave.

COVID-19 Vaccinations - Last year, the EEOC issued its guidance for employers on COVID-19 vaccination policies that allows employers to require vaccinations with certain exceptions.  Several states are not considering legislation that ...

In this new podcast feature, recent cases and news from the world of Labor & Employment Law will be discussed.  In this episode:

Employee on call time - in Wesley v. Experian Information Solutions, IT employees brought claims for unpaid overtime for time they were required to be on-call to answer client questions. 

Rescinded job offer - in Goldfarb v. Solimine, the court considered a claim by an individual who quit a high paying job to accept another, only to have the offer withdrawn after he quit.

Reasonable accommodations - in Daniel v. Walmart the court considered what steps an employee ...



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